Welcome to the step-by-step on how to create your free account on the Skille Tech website. Please ensure that you adhere to the instructions as provided below. Should you have trouble creating your account, feel free to contact the Skille Team for assistance.
To create your free account, visit the Skille Tech website and click the top right corner and click register, as shown by the arrow on demo image on the right.
Once you click on register, you will be redirected to a new page requesting your account details, at this point, you may choose to sign up as a Freelancer or an Employer
Once you click on register, you will be redirected to a new page requesting your account details, at this point, you may choose to sign up as a Freelancer or an Employer
Once you have filled out the form successfully and submitted your details, an account would be opened for you. You can login into your account with the login credentials initially used to create account.
Once you login into your account, you will see a prompt requesting you to verify your account, you will need to verify your account by clicking on the verification link sent to your email. Please ensure to use a working email to smoothen the verification process.
After you have successfully created your free account, you may want to post a service as a freelancer, the following will guide you through the process of posting a service on Skille.
First, you will need to sign in to your account. Once you sign in, click the blue button in the top right corner of your Dashboard as indicated on the demo image on the left.
You will then be redirected to a page requesting you to pick a payment package that best suits you. You can Upgrade your package anytime, should you feel the need to downgrade or upgrade.
*Please note that these are annual payments.
After you have picked a payment subscription that suits you, you will see another page that requests you to confirm your order and proceed to checkout. Once you click Proceed to checkout, you will be taken to a page requesting for some details as shwon on the image on the right,
Please fill the form with all the required information to best serve you well.
Notethat payments are cash only for the time being. As such, you will need to pay directly to the assigned Skille official then go through this process, you will then be approved and set to post your services.
Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a subscription package valid for one year.
Aconfirmation email will be sent the email you have provided highlighting the details of your purchase.
You can now post your service(s) on the Skille website. To do this, head back to your dashboard and click on the blue button in the top right corner which says “Post Service”
After you have successfully gone through the process described above, you will be able to post your service(s) without the prompt to make payments.
Your dashboard will look similar to the demo image on the right.
Please provide as much as information regarding the service(s) you are providing to help employers get a good understanding of your service before they declare their interest to work with you.
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Skille is here to revolutionize the way skilled and talented individuals connect with businesses and entrepreneurs, offering a diverse range of freelance services to cater to your every need.