
Full Stack Developer

  • Lusaka, Zambia
  • Member since 15/10/2023
  • No Reviews


(per hour)
  • 01 Ongoing Projects
  • 00 Completed Projects
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Featured Services

Skille Tech Hub


Seasoned multi-skill Expert. Specialised in graphics design, photography, web development, mobile app development. Focussed very efficient and time conscious. Also affordable considering the level of expertise. 


Web Designer

  • Zwacha Online Trade Limited
  • 06/01/2020 - 10/10/2022

Work as Lead Developer on the Technical Leadership and Board

Educational Details

Certificate of Completion

  • Udemy
  • 09/03/2015 - 04/10/2016

100 Days of Code Web Development BootCamp

Diploma in Digital Photography

  • Alison
  • 08/12/2017 - 19/04/2018

Complete comprehensive training in modern digital photography. Focus areas include history of photography, exposure and fundamentals of composition, mastering your DSLR camera, understanding lenses, natural lighting, on and off camera lighting, speed lights and studio photography.

Skille Tech Hub

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